When life gets messy...
Jo: Hello, beautiful soul. And welcome back to the podcast. I honestly have no idea what I'm going to talk about today, going into this podcast. So we'll just see what comes up. It has been a pretty heavy past couple of [00:01:00] days for me. I don't know if there's something going on in the universe with all the planets or what, but I am doing my best to navigate it. And to really nurture myself. Nurture my feelings that are coming up and process them, transmute them in the ways that I teach my clients to do. So I'm really, really practicing what I preach right now, and I do that no matter what, but I find when things start to get heavy is when you need it the most. And when you're more prone to abandoning ship, and abandoning all that you have learned and know how to do. With that being said, I'm being my own best client right now, really processing, really taking time to hit the mat. For my Kundalini practice. To do a little bit more. Meditation to dive into breath work. I had a beautiful breath work session the other day [00:02:00] and ended up completely changing what I had planned to do for module two in my course, but it's turned out to be so much more amazing than I ever imagined. Which is beautiful. Right? That's part of this amazing life that we live is that. We can set our intentions and we know what we want and we're declaring and we're manifesting. And the universe has a beautiful way of surprising us with things that are so much better for us than what we have originally imagined. So that's what I'm experiencing right now. Right. Some. Some heaviness, some wanting to go and hermit. And I've been pouring my heart and soul into REIGN my group program. In rebuilding it and revamping it. And I am so. Excited. I'm so proud of how everything is coming together. I [00:03:00] cannot, I just, Ugh. It's beautiful. I'm so excited to complete this round with the beautiful women that we have in the program and to take this further and help more women. Through this work. I am. Words. There are no words. I'm just so excited. So that's a little life update. I guess we can segue into how this relates to manifestation. I've got a neat little manifestation story for you. It's been on my heart lately to not have a car payment. So, what I've been manifesting is getting another car, just a super basic car that I can pay for in cash and not have a car payment after my lease is up on my Highlander. Because there are some financial goals that I would like to meet this year and not having a car payment. I would absolutely help in the long run. So my original plan was to pay for a car in cash. I've been looking on Facebook marketplace just to see what's out [00:04:00] there. What's available. And I called my mom the other day. She's moving to Spain in February of next year, and as I'm on the phone with her, she asks me, " do you want your old car back?" and I was like, what? Because I know that I've been manifesting a new car. New to me. With no car payment. She goes on to explain that it's my first car that I ever had. That. She took over when I got my truck and there's no car payment. And in my mind, I'm thinking, "yes, mom. I know. " but she doesn't know. She doesn't understand that the reason why I asked her what. Was because I was in disbelief that this was popping up in the way that it was. Because the universe always has a much more beautiful and synchronistic plan for you. And had I been more tenacious in my hunt for a new car, I may have missed out on this opportunity. And that also prompts me to[00:05:00] really drive home that the, how. How your manifestations come to you is not your job. It's not your job. How your manifestations come to you is 100% up to the universe. God source, whatever you believe in. That is for them. You are just here to act on opportunities that are presented to you. Intuitively. Navigating intuition can in and of itself be a little tricky in the very beginning and that's okay. In order to develop your intuition and really learn how your intuition speaks to you is through practice and repetition. And really acting on the things that your intuition tells you in the first place. So. For me I am a splenic authority, which means my intuition speaks to me in still small voices. Or just feelings like this, knowing. So. Sometimes it'll sound like. " Go to the rock shop. Go to the crystal shop." Randomly while I'm driving or "don't [00:06:00] take this road, take that road." If I'm going somewhere. And it only speaks once. It's not panicked. It's not hurried it. Really has no emotion. It's just " do this" very matter of factly. And if I do it great. If I don't do it, I typically find out why. Why it wanted me to do it in the first place. But the only way you're going to. Enhance your intuition is to start using it. The more you use it, the stronger it's going to get, and the more you push it down, the more you suppress it, the more you don't listen to it. The quieter it's going to get until it eventually stopped speaking to you all together. So just tune in. See how your intuition speaks to you. Yours might be. I'm one of those gut feelings where you can tune into your gut and how you're feeling about something. And you might just have this gut feeling. You might just know things. You might hear things. You might see visions. Whatever that looks like for you is perfect. Just start acting on it. [00:07:00] I think we didn't do a whole episode just on intuition. In this episode alone, we've got a manifestation when and the how is not your job and intuition and all in one. And before I go on another tangent, because this episode is absolutely completely unscripted. I had no idea what I was going to talk about when I hit record. I'm going to wrap this up. I will see you next week. And as always, I love you. And have a beautiful, beautiful week.