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Unlock the most confident you, NOW

The Confidence Codes is a self-paced subconscious recoding bundle for women ready to boost their confidence to new heights & experience the expansion + freedom that comes with it.


The Confidence Codes is the only course that combines Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Hypnosis, & Subliminals to make confidence part of who you are without having to “fake it till ya make it.”

The Confidence Codes is focused on creating new neural pathways that support you in feeling more CONFIDENT,
in LOVING yourself,
in BELIEVING in yourself,
in TRUSTING yourself.


easily reprograms your mind on the subconscious level to boost your confidence


ensure the changes embed effortlessly without conscious intervention

Emotional Freedom Techniques

help break up your self-doubts and unleash an INCREDIBLE sense of confidence


What you'll get:

  • online course portal with 4 modules: Hypnosis, Subliminal, Emotional Freedom Techniques, & BONUSES
  • each module is complete with a video explanation of each technique, what to expect, why it works, & how to use it
  • pre-recorded hypnosis audio designed to effortlessly reprogram your subconscious mind, enhancing your confidence
  • pre-recorded subliminal audio is available for playback anytime, ensuring changes are internalized effortlessly
  • pre-recorded EFT session designed to dissolve feelings of self-doubt and unlock an INCREDIBLE sense of confidence
  • Plus... A few surprise bonus videos

Hi! I'm Jo!

I'd love to say that I've always been filled with confidence and that this course is merely a compilation of mindset strategies I've gathered over the years through training and experience with the subconscious mind. But that wouldn't be the truth.

The truth is...
I battled with confidence issues throughout my life. Feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, self-sabotage, an inclination to please others, bouts of anxiety, depression... the list could go on.

When I discovered the world of NLP, I was in the thick of a toxic marriage. I found myself more depressed & anxious than I had ever been. I was taking nearly nightly crying sessions & panic attacks alone on the bathroom floor. I didn't recognize the reflection of the woman who gazed back at me from the mirror.

When I secretly enrolled in a coaching certification program, I couldn't have anticipated the profound transformation it would bring to my life.

Armed with certifications in Life + Success Coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming, TIME Techniques®, Emotional Freedom Techniques, & Clinical Hypnotherapy, I began the journey of reconstructing my life. I became my own first success story. I kicked my anxiety & depression to the curb! I navigated a grueling divorce with grace; I must stay! I underwent a complete mindset upgrade, saw a surge in my confidence & self-worth, manifested my dream life partner, and achieved so much more!

& if I can do all that...


I created this course and subconscious reprogramming bundle based on tools that have proven effectiveness and profoundly transformed my life; these insights are too valuable not to share with the world.

So what are you waiting for??
The time for the most confident you is NOW!!