Unveiling the Truth: 5 Common Hypnotherapy Myths to Stop Believing

Unveiling the Truth: 5 Common Hypnotherapy Myths to Stop Believing

hypnosis hypnotherapy subconscious reprogramming Mar 15, 2023

Are you curious about hypnotherapy but hesitant to try it because of all the myths and misconceptions surrounding it? You're not alone! It's time to set the record straight. In this post, we'll debunk 5 common myths about hypnotherapy so that you can make an informed decision about whether it's right for you.

Myth #1: Hypnotherapy is Mind Control.

Nope! We've all seen the movies where one of the characters gets hypnotized with one of those black and white spinning spirals. As their gaze becomes hazy and they enter a trance, the hypnotherapist gives commands and the character being hypnotized repeats the commands back in a lofty voice before carrying out the bidding of the hypnotherapist.

One of the most common misconceptions about hypnotherapy is that it's a form of mind control -- that the hypnotherapist can make them do anything and everything they want, even against their will.

The truth is, a hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything that goes against your moral or ethical beliefs. It's a collaborative process, and you're always in control.

Myth #2: Hypnotherapy is Dangerous.

Actually, it's perfectly safe when practiced by a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist.

People are often afraid that they might get stuck in a hypnotic state and never wake up or that hypnotherapy might cause them to never be themselves again. The reality is that hypnosis is a natural state that we all experience in our daily lives, such as when we daydream or get lost in thought.

Hypnotherapy is simply a tool that can be used to tap into this natural state to help people overcome a variety of issues, including anxiety, phobias, and addictions.

Myth #3: Hypnotherapy is a Magic Cure.

While it can be highly effective, it's not always quick fix. Some people experience amazing results straight away, and others may take more time and commitment to see results. It depends on the intricacy of the issue you're working to resolve.

Hypnotherapy works by accessing the subconscious mind, where our beliefs and behaviors are stored. By working with a hypnotherapist, these beliefs and behaviors can be changed, which can lead to long-term positive transformation.

Myth #4: Hypnotherapy is Only for the Weak-Minded.

Some people believe that hypnotherapy is only for the weak-minded or gullible. They assume that only people who are easily manipulated can be hypnotized. The truth is, anyone can be hypnotized as long as they're willing and open to the process -- it is after all a natural state that we all experience throughout the day. 

Hypnotherapy is a collaborative process between the hypnotherapist and the client. The client must be willing to participate in the process and follow the hypnotherapist's instructions, and the hypnotherapist must create an environment that the client feels safe in.

Myth #5: Hypnotherapy is Just Like Stage Hypnosis.

Not even close! The stage hypnosis you see at the county fair, where a hypnotist makes people do silly things like bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken is for entertainment purposes only.While stage hypnosis can be highly entertaining, it's not the same as hypnotherapy. 

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic tool that can help you overcome a variety of issues. Hypnotherapists work with their clients to identify the underlying causes of their issues and develop strategies to overcome them.


Hypnotherapy is a legitimate and recognized form of therapy that can be beneficial for many people. I hope this post has cleared up some of the most common misconceptions and given you a better understanding of what it entails. If you're considering hypnotherapy, do your own research and find a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist who can help you achieve your goals.


If you're ready to dive in and experience hypnotherapy for yourself, book a session with Jo here.


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