Jo Fenyx is an ambitious and passionate woman who's mission is to help women create their dream lives and businesses. She is the founder of The Rise Empire, a company dedicated to teaching people about how they can change their mindset in order to live a life that feels more fulfilling.

Also known as "The Mindset Wizard," she teaches people on just how easy it is to use simple exercises and techniques from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), TIME Techniques, and hypnotherapy in order to transform one's life by reprogramming the subconscious mind. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Jo was working as a Registered Nurse before realizing her true passion lay elsewhere.

A lover of Harry Potter, Jo loves nothing more than curling up on the couch with her kids for movie marathons.


From an early age, I knew I wanted to make a huge impact on the world. I worked long hours to put myself through nursing school as a single mom and Air Force Reservist. I did all of the things I thought I was supposed to do in order to be happy. I got the job, the house, the family… but I was massively unhappy in my toxic relationship and with where I was in life. 

So I made the decision to change it all. I took massive responsibility for where I ended up and for getting where I want to be. 

I knew there was so much more I could be doing to help people who were in situations like mine, take control of their circumstances, and change their reality to match their desires. 


Through becoming certified as a practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Techniques, TIME Techniques (TM), Life + Success Coaching, and as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I’ve amassed an arsenal of tools to understand and assist in healing and reprogramming the subconscious mind to work for you, behind the scenes, to put you on track to living your dream life quicker!