FREE Online Vision Board Workshop 

Thursday, December 29, 2022
10 am PST // noon CST // 1 pm EST

Link to the Zoom room will be emailed to you upon registration.

Vision boards are powerful tools that can help you make your dreams a reality

--when done right.

In fact, incredibly successful women like Oprah, Ellen Degeneres, & Katy Perry have attributed their success to vision boards! 

So why do vision boards seem to work really well for some people & not so well for others?

There's both an art & a science to making vision boards that work
& the secret has to do with your subconscious mind.
(Don't worry, I'll be spilling all the tea in the workshop!)

In this free online workshop you'll learn:

The top 3 mistakes people make when it comes to creating their vision boards & what you can do instead

How to create your vision board both digitally & physically + what visual elements to include on your vision board

How to turn your vision board into a powerful manifestation tool & use it with intention daily

This is for you if:

-You've made a vision board in the past & were less than successful in manifesting what you put on it
-this is your first time ever hearing about vision boards & you want to dive in to creating one in a way that truly works

Register now for VISION

the free vision board workshop 

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Hi! I'm Jo!

Mindset + Manifestation Coach

I help womxn who are ready to change their story, discover who they truly are, & realign their life in a way that reflects that truth using manifestation, subconscious work, & inner child + emotional trauma healing so that they can truly create the life of THEIR dreams. 

After making many vision boards over the years, I discovered that the differences between the ones that work & the ones that don't came down to a few simple principles that all have to do with the subconscious mind + how we process information.

I'm on a mission to help hundreds of thousands of womxn all over the world understand their innate power + wisdom & help them start living lives they're in love with. 

Seeing you win lights me up!
